Keyonna Monroe

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First name Keyonna
Last name Monroe

Keyonna Monroe is the CEO & Executive Director of, a nonprofit organization that teaches young girls and women the benefits of loving themselves first. An alum of both Spelman College and USC, Keyonna worked in marketing & advertising before making her way to major television networks as an editor and journalist. She has been volunteering for several years at the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles along with group and foster homes with young children. Keyonna has been recognized as a woman with a high level of positive influence by Congressman Lowenthall, Black Business Leadership Hall of Fame, LA5 Rotary, DCFS and others. She is passionate about supporting the next generation of young women, and is honored to teach, guide, support and assist them with the use of her personal and professional advice as they embark on their future careers. Currently working with schools in the Los Angeles Unified School District, Keyonna has seen the change she has made in the lives of many girls. She has spoken on empowerment panels at the Los Angeles Center for Enriched Studies (LACES), Hawthorne High School, Washington Prep High School, and Santa Monica College. In addition to being a mother, Keyonna is a published children’s book author. She has worked with organizations and additional schools such as Orville Wright Middle School, John Muir Middle School, Hawthorne HS Black Business Women Rock, the YMCA, Boys & Girls Club of Los Angeles, USC, Power Play NYC, Circle of Change, Hispanic Business Society, Cal State LA, Cal State Dominguez Hills, Job Corps DTLA, 100 Black Men Orange County. Good Shepard Shelter, St. Anne’s School, Youth Business Alliance, Cal State Fullerton, and the Cultural Arts Leadership Exchange (CALENOW

Nickname Keyonna Monroe
Display name Keyonna Monroe

Speaker Info

Company Prettty2Me Inc
Schools You Have Spoken At

Animo Jackie Robinson High School, Animo Leadership High School, David Starr Jordan High School, Downtown Magnets High School, Maywood Academy High School, Steam Legacy High School

Last Speaking Date 9/16/18
Title Prettty2Me Inc