Justin LeBlanc

Primary fields

First name Justin
Last name LeBlanc

Dialed in on all things green, sustainable and essential to life (housing, clean water, clean energy, food etc). I am a creative forward thinking mind focused on the creation of value in the form of technology and engineering. I consider myself skilled in the development and operation of high performance teams and can work easily between the strategic and tactical levels of an organization in a number of industries.

Having worked as a motivational speaker for several years between deployments to Afghanistan I have spoke a number of times on goal setting, success principles and the necessary ingredients to be successful in this life. Four necessary elements; goal, attitude, work ethic and vehicle! This presentation is from my last speaking engagement for 50+ year old folks displaced from corporate jobs and looking to find a way back in, transition or start over. This is just as applicable to young adults who are looking for a way forward.

Email nottahobbie@gmail.com
Nickname Justin LeBlanc
Display name Justin LeBlanc

Speaker Info

Company MicroFarms
Title Founder
LinkedIn Profile https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=138410093&trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile
Mobile Phone Number 508 560-7744(H)
Presentation https://youthbizalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/567_actlikeyourdreamboardroom.pdf