Natalie Andres

Primary fields

First name Natalie
Last name Andres

I am a Los Angeles-based graphic designer and developer. I have been working with businesses in the area since 2009, offering everything from web design to billboard art. I have been doing graphic design work for the past ten years, and my commitment to a clean and simple aesthetic carries through all of my work. A National Merit Scholar, I graduated summa cum laude with a dual degree in advertising and English from the University of Florida. When not working, I can usually be found cooking an elaborate meal, dancing to Motown, or enjoying the outdoors. I love walking all over Los Angeles and spend absent moments planning my next globe trotting adventure.

Nickname Natalie Andres
Display name Natalie Andres

Speaker Info

Company Hole Punch Design
Title Creative Director
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number 678 591-6548(H)