Marshall Smith

Primary fields

First name Marshall
Last name Smith

I have over 11 years in the financial services industry and serve as the firm’s Chief Operating Officer.

Prior to joining Miracle Mile, I managed the operations department of a Los Angeles based Registered Investment Advisory Firm where I managed the areas of new business, compliance, reporting & overall firm investment operations.

I graduated from the University of Rhode Island with a Bachelor’s degree in Finance. I hold the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) Series 7 and 66 securities licenses, as well as a California Life and Health insurance license (CA #0F62430). I am involved with local philanthropic causes such as Big Brothers Big Sisters of Los Angeles and am a member of the leadership council for A Place Called Home, an LA based program providing mentorship to local youth.

Nickname Marshall Smith
Display name Marshall Smith

Speaker Info

Company Miracle Mile Advisors
Title Chief Operating Officer
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number 310 699-0814(H)