Ramtin Mobasheri

Primary fields

First name Ramtin
Last name Mobasheri

Ramtin graduated from University of California Los Angeles with a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology. Being a Pre-Med student, he spent the majority of his time at UCLA taking advanced level math and sciences courses, preparing himself for medical school. His extracurricular time was spent tutoring, shadowing physicians, and conducting scientific research, connecting the rise in Autism among adolescence to the poor air quality within metropolitan cities. This passion allowed Ramtin to be the Founder of the nonprofit forReza, which helps underprivileged children who have Autism. Ramtin’s tutoring background has spanned for over 5 years now, in a wide range of subjects, from math and science to history and essay writing. Tutoring students from the kindergarden to second year university, he has built rapport with his students that have been with him from the beginning. His intense discipline and concrete organizational skills, allows him to have a high sense of time management. This with the combination of his diligence and patience, allows him to be an effective tutor and mentor, adapting to the styling techniques of his students.

Email mobasheri.ramtin@gmail.com
Nickname Ramtin Mobasheri
Display name Ramtin Mobasheri

Speaker Info

Company Big Brother Tutors
Title Founder & President
LinkedIn Profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/ramtin-mobasheri-247228139/
Mobile Phone Number 310 334-9549(H)