Dion McIntosh

Primary fields

First name Dion
Last name McIntosh

I am a passionate, insatiably creative, analytical, people lover. I have a business mind with an artist's heart. I'm an idea catalyst and human accelerant. I have big visions and see the world as it could be. I subscribe to and live by a few basic principles developed over years of trail and error....

•Family comes first •
•Big ideas that inspire me and that serve the needs/wants of others come next•
•Intelligent plan of execution (doesn't need to be perfect to launch)•
•Massive all out action (out work everyone)•
•Fun & laughter (If I'm not having fun frequently it's not worth it)•
•The right team (Who I surround myself with can make or break me)•
•Integrity (Do what I say when I said I'd do it. If I can't, then communicate right away)•
•Honor & loyalty (Count on me to do the right thing whether you find out or not)•
•Be willing to walk away if it doesn't feel right•
•Never compromise these principles for money, to be liked or get there faster•

Over the span of 25 years I went from music star to real estate millionaire to bankrupt business owner 2x and back again. My journey has been a challenging, inspiring, seemingly impossible adventure filled with blood, sweat, tears, passion, laughter, to many failures to count and enough success to make it all worth it...definitely fit for a hollywood movie.

After years on the entrepreneurial roller coaster I have finally attained my definition of success. I am married to my best friend and business partner, I'm a proud father of 3, my life is filled with fun and laughter and I get the privilege of working on projects that inspire me deeply with wonderful human beings every day. My life is still a work in progress and not without challenges. When I stop having challenges it means I've stopped living an epic full life. Challenges are how I know I'm still alive and on the court.

Email mistermcintosh@gmail.com
Nickname Dion McIntosh
Display name Dion McIntosh

Speaker Info

Company L.a.B Technologies
Title Co-Founder
LinkedIn Profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/mrmcintosh
Mobile Phone Number 818 770-0737(H)