Miles Goodloe

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First name Miles
Last name Goodloe

I am Professor Miles. I began teaching at Drexel University when I was 24 years old. Some of my favorite courses to teach were Higher Education Finance and The Business of College. It was an honor to serve a great group of students, year after year. I decided to publish many of the leadership tips and academic advice for my students in my book Self-Education is Greater than Higher Education (2016). It was a going away gift as I moved back home. Los Angeles, where I matriculated at the top of my Crenshaw High School graduating class.

My mother still has the June Ebony magazine issue with me being honored as one of the top Black high school graduates in the class of 2007. Since high school, I added a B.A in Political Science from UCLA and a Master of Science in Higher Education from the University of Pennsylvania. I brought my talents to national non-profit 501©3 LeadersUp to serve the executive leadership and national staff on their curriculum development to increase the number of young adults learning professional skills that make them more employable upon completion of their higher education studies. Beyond my daily duties, I have found other ways to serve.

My father and I decided to launch to teach parents, educators, and students what we did to help this reduced lunch kid from Crenshaw High to earn over $80,000 in scholarships to pay for UCLA. It was a process. A process others can replicate. A story to tell with tips too. Professor Miles is here to assist high school students earn scholarships so school can be their choice. The more scholarships they earn, the more power they hold to decide their academic fate.

Nickname Miles Goodloe
Display name Miles Goodloe

Speaker Info

Company LeadersUp
Title Content Developer
Mobile Phone Number 323 347-9699(H)