Mika Leah

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First name Mika
Last name Leah

Fitness expert Mika Leah is a mother, a young heart disease survivor and a powerful and inspiring public speaker. Her story has been featured in prominent news outlets such as CNN, Shape and Women’s Fitness, and she is an ambassador for the American Heart Association.

Mika has survived 5 heart stents and 3 invasive heart procedures, all before turning 36 years old. She is alive today because she listened to her intuition and to her body, and more importantly she advocated for herself.

With a new lease on life and a calling to help others, Mika launched her corporate wellness company Goomi, with the belief that a balanced life is possible for everyone. With 17 years as an executive in a high-stress corporate environment for companies such as Deutsch, Omnicom, Conde Nast, and The Washington Post, Mika offers her unique, positive perspective and empathy for those in the workplace while getting them fired up about their health. Goomi serves up movement and motivation for corporations to help their employees find balance, bringing yoga, meditation, fitness classes, nutrition, massage and more, directly to offices across the country for clients such as Hulu, Rubin Postaer & Associates, Outfront Media, the Meredith Corporation, and Sony Playstation.

Mika's heart condition has led her to do extensive research on the heart and to nurture ongoing relationships with cardiologists, nutritionists, and other fitness experts. Her knowledge is now shared regularly as a passionate speaker for the American Heart Association and with lectures around the country as President and founder of Goomi. Mika earned her BA in Psychology from the University of Santa Barbara, Yoga and Spinning certification from Y.A.S., and a 200-hour RYT with YogaWorks. Mika believes that life should be lived with love and joy throughout the day, not just when you can fit it in, and she strives to provide others with the opportunity to incorporate balance into their regular daily lifestyle.

Email mika@goomigroup.com
Nickname Mika Leah
Display name Mika Leah

Speaker Info

Company Goomi, LLC
Title Goomi, LLC
LinkedIn Profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/mika-leah-8530ab3/
Mobile Phone Number 310 945-6857(H)