Michael Williamson

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First name Michael
Last name Williamson

Michael Williamson Bio - Draft 1Full (Sotheby’s)A native Angeleno, Michael Williamson has seen the evolution of the Los Angeles real estate market overthe past thirty-five years firsthand. “I got my real estate license straight out of high school, and the rest ishistory,” he says. Michael has worked for some of the top agencies in Los Angeles, including Jon DouglasCompany, Prudential California Realty, the John Aaroe Group, and Chartwell Escrow prior to joiningSotheby’s International Realty.Michael’s experience and innate ability to connect with his clients led him to become a top producer yearafter year. He realized his passion for real estate could be transformed into coaching others to have thesame kind of success he had seen as an agent. His natural leadership skills lended themselves well toroles he held such as Manager, Regional Manager, Executive Vice President, and President throughouthis career. After several highly successful years at the John Aaroe Group, which later became PacificUnion, he was recruited by Sotheby’s International Realty in 2018 to become Senior Vice President of thePasadena office. Shortly thereafter, Michael was promoted to Regional Manager for Los Angeles andVentura Counties. Michael’s vast understanding of the real estate industry allows him to effectively trainand coach agents to anticipate changes in the market as well as how to best serve their clients. He’seager to bring decades worth of experience to his role at Sotheby’s International Realty. When he’s notworking, you can find him bowling with his team of twenty years, on the tennis court, or vacationing inMaui.Full (Linkedin)A native Angeleno, I’ve seen the evolution of the Los Angeles real estate market over the past thirty-fiveyears firsthand. I got my real estate license straight out of high school, and the rest is history. I’ve workedfor some of the top agencies in Los Angeles, including Jon Douglas Company, Prudential CaliforniaRealty, the John Aaroe Group, and Chartwell Escrow prior to joining Sotheby’s International Realty.My experience and innate ability to connect with clients led me to become a top producer year after year.I realized my passion for real estate could be transformed into coaching others to have the same kind ofsuccess I had seen as an agent. My natural leadership skills lended themselves well to roles I held, suchas Manager, Regional Manager, Executive Vice President, and President throughout my career. Afterseveral highly successful years at the John Aaroe Group, which later became Pacific Union, I wasrecruited by Sotheby’s International Realty in 2018 to become Senior Vice President of the Pasadenaoffice. Shortly thereafter, I was promoted to Regional Manager for Los Angeles and Ventura Counties. Myvast understanding of the real estate industry allows me to effectively train and coach agents to anticipatechanges in the market as well as how to best serve their clients. I’m eager to bring decades worth ofexperience to this role at Sotheby’s International Realty. When I’m not working, you can find me bowlingwith my team of twenty years, on the tennis court, or vacationing in Maui

Email michael.williamson@sothebyshomes.com
Nickname Michael Williamson
Display name Michael Williamson

Speaker Info

Company Sotheby's International Realty
Title SVP- Regional Manager
LinkedIn Profile http/www.linkedin.com/michaelwilliamson
Mobile Phone Number 310 849-9339(H)