Melissa Kieling

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First name Melissa
Last name Kieling

Melissa Kieling is the founder and CEO of PackIt LLC. As a mom of three, she noticed that no single product could keep her kids’ healthy lunches cool and safe until lunchtime. Melissa subsequently invented and patented a lunch bag that had freezable gel built into its lining and could stay cool up to 10 hours. In 2011, Melissa strategically invested in a two-year, multimillion-dollar direct marketing campaign on Nickelodeon, Disney and Cartoon Network. By engaging families directly, she not only drove sales but also prompted consumers to ask for PackIt by name at the nation’s largest retailers. Over the past five years, Melissa has grown PackIt from a $150,000 company to a multimillion-dollar consumer products business. She has also launched a successful secondary line, PK2, at Walmart and grocery stores globally. Melissa lives in Westlake Village, CA, with her children who continue to inspire new PackIt product ideas daily.

Nickname Melissa Kieling
Display name Melissa Kieling

Speaker Info

Company PackIt
Title CEO
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number 818 802-9225(H)