Maryam Rasouli

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First name Maryam
Last name Rasouli

Maryam Rasouli

Peace of Mind comes from security, and you cannot be truly secure until your finances are serving you. Maryam Rasouli came to this country as a nineteen year old girl with no money, no prospects and speaking not a lick of English. Armed only with a fierce desire for financial independence and an innate passion for teaching and helping others, Maryam molded herself into the money-making guru she is today. Twenty years later, she is one of the foremost experts in her field, training financial professionals all over the world to help their clients in a more productive way. Most importantly, she provides clients and agents alike with the cutting-edge information they need to grow their wealth and provide peace of mind for themselves and their families.

Maryam created Advantage Gold Partners to accomplish her mission of growing a culture of self-belief. Maryam became discouraged by the number of people she spoke to who wanted a better life for themselves, but who simply didn’t believe in their own ability to succeed. Identifying this problem of self-doubt, Maryam decided that what the world needs is not just another financial consultant telling people where to put their money. The world needs someone to teach people how to believe in themselves, someone who empowers them with the knowledge they need to live a healthy financial lifestyle.

Through Advantage Gold Partners, Maryam teaches a growing force of financial planners and clients alike how to plan for the future and grow their wealth based on their individual financial needs. Far from selling a particular financial product, Maryam provides the knowledge needed to understand your place in the financial world. Knowledge is power, and the ability to navigate our complex financial world today helps Maryam’s clients achieve their goals through self-belief and financial preparedness.

When she is not advising industry peers and clients in her home-base of Los Angeles, Maryam can be found traveling the world for public speaking engagements. She is an active person and loves to spend time at the beach. Her family is her most important asset. In her spare time, Maryam is working on a novel promoting female empowerment and encouraging women and girls to pursue their financial goals and dreams.

Nickname Maryam Rasouli
Display name Maryam Rasouli

Speaker Info

Company Advantage Gold Partners
Title Foudner
Mobile Phone Number 310 686-3599(H)