Mary Aggarwal

Primary fields

First name Mary
Last name Aggarwal

I have lived it, I have felt it and I am here to share my experience. My role as a wealth advisor is a passion that serves my purpose. I focus on serving wealthy individuals and families who believe money is an amplifier of support. I seek to offer the ability and willingness to see through your eyes and heart; I believe being a client of mine goes beyond managing your wealth that incorporates both tangible and intangible aspects.

As your wealth advisor, my objective is to focus on listening carefully to you, considering your wants and needs and delivering on your goals. I seek to empower and guide my clients, ask the right questions and give you direction designed to help ensure wealth continuity. I serve as the primary point of contact for a team of highly experienced and credentialed specialists that implement custom, comprehensive wealth plans to help our clients accomplish their life goals. Together we create a roadmap that is bespoke to you by drawing on this team of specialists, my 20+ years of experience, and your network of financial professionals.

When I am not advising and helping clients, I am at my other job, being the CEO of my household, as a wife and mother of four. I am a philanthropist at heart and love giving back to the community through various women & children causes. One of my favorite pastimes is to go to the farmers market with my family, reading books with my kids and enjoying the Southern California sunshine.

Nickname Mary Aggarwal
Display name Mary Aggarwal

Speaker Info

Company Wells Fargo
Title SVP
Mobile Phone Number 310 946-2577(H)