Marta Ferro

Primary fields

First name Marta
Last name Ferro

Marta is known to her team as the Master Connector. A proven professional entrepreneur, Marta is the CEO of Pink51, which leverages emerging opportunities in technology, e-commerce, and integrated social media to create a platform supporting the economic development of women. By harnessing our collective buying power and representing female leaders and female-owned businesses, Pink51 creates a new path that engages and empowers women and makes a substantial, bottom line impact on the economy as a whole.

Marta is also the President of Starfish Impact, providing philanthropic advisory services to nonprofit organizations, foundations, businesses and individuals who strive to make a greater impact in their community through strategic philanthropy. After working for Goldman Sachs & Co., she launched several companies including GOLS Soccer, Skin Haven and Market China. She holds an MBA from UCLA Anderson School of Management and double majored at Vassar College. Marta was the Co-Captain of the Women’s Varsity Soccer Team and was the starting striker forward all four years. She holds Vassar College women’s soccer records for goals scored, assists and total points. Marta played soccer throughout her 30's on two competitive teams and now spends her free time playing sports with her son and husband.

As a philanthropist, Marta has been extremely active in her community since founding a nonprofit in high school, and specifically in the greater Los Angeles community with multiple nonprofit organizations including her current role as an Social Ventures Partner (SVP) Partner and former Board Member. She also served on the Los Angeles Board of National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) and was an active leader of Step Up Women's Network including her role as the Los Angeles President and Board Chair.

Nickname Marta Ferro
Display name Marta Ferro

Speaker Info

Company Starfish Impact
Title President
LinkedIn Profile http://
Mobile Phone Number 310 890-6689(H)