Marta Perrone

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First name Marta
Last name Perrone

Born in Madrid, Spain, Marta came to the United States as an immigrant at age five landing in New York City. Most of her life has been spent in Los Angeles where she attended UCLA majoring in Spanish and Linguistics.

Realizing that there was a desperate need for good domestic companies who could help families find the right domestic assistance, she started a domestic agency. Established in 1989, Domestic Connections Agency in Encino, California was a full service agency for over 20 years.

Running an agency made Marta recognize a need for employers to understand hiring practices; this prompted her to write. Published in 2006, Help! How to Find Hire Train & Maintain Household Help!" received the Mom's Choice Award.

Nickname Marta Perrone
Display name Marta Perrone

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Alliance Simon Technology Academy High School

Last Speaking Date 3/4/15
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Mobile Phone Number 818 618-8129(H)