Marcus Kowal

Primary fields

First name Marcus
Last name Kowal

I'm a professional MMA fighter, as well as a 2nd degree black belt in Krav Maga. I'm an entrepreneur who has opened 4 martial art gyms by myself and had my life purpose set out. However, on the 3rd of September, 2016, my 15-month baby was killed by a drunk driver. In the year that has passed I have opened a 501(C)(3) non profit, Liams Life Foundation, to put an end to drunk driving and increase the knowledge of the need of organ donation; I've written a book and I am working tirelessly to end drunk driving once and for all.
I have been invited to speak at several locations, such as The Doctors, Good Day LA, CNN, NBC,, Beverly Hills High School and for several Police departments.

Nickname Marcus Kowal
Display name Marcus Kowal

Speaker Info

Company Liam's Life Foundation / Systems Training Center
Title Founder and CEO
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number 424 210-1555(H)