Primary fields
First name | Louis |
Last name | Ziskin |
Bio | Louis Ziskin, founder and CEO of DropIn has had entrepreneurial spirit his entire life. From his early beginnings when he launched a global supply chain venture, Louis cultivated an international network of suppliers delivering product to a demanding and complex market. While lucrative, this business model resulted in some unanticipated consequences… a 12-year prison stay. Time served was well spent, and self-reflection allowed Louis to hone his business and legal acumen. Upon his reentry to traditional business, Louis founded DropIn. Louis is a born leader and visionary; he motivates and inspires others with his uncanny ability to innovate, problem solve and provide solutions to business barriers. Louis is highly philanthropic. He devotes his time to Backpacks for Kids Foundation, and he is a frequent public speaker in support of anti-recidivism. Louis is an avid snowboarder and skydiver. He lives in Los Angeles and reports to a three-and- a-half- year-old benevolent dictator who calls him daddy. | | |
Nickname | Louis Ziskin |
Display name | Louis Ziskin |
Speaker Info
Company | DropIn Inc |
Schools You Have Spoken At | Animo Venice High School, Hilda L. Solis Learning Academy, Valor Academy High School |
Last Speaking Date | 8/26/18 |
Title | Founder/CEO |
LinkedIn Profile | |
Mobile Phone Number | 310 525-4488(H) |