Lauren Blankenship

Primary fields

First name Lauren
Last name Blankenship

As an active, passionate Agent at the #1 Coldwell Banker office worldwide, I leverage the unrivaled resources of my team and company to drive exceptional outcomes for valued clients. I also utilize my well-honed communication skills and dynamic personality to guide clients through the entire home selling experience, providing the ultimate personal service during this critical decision-making period. Prior to becoming an Agent, I was a successful entrepreneur, a nationally-ranked equestrian, a business consultant focused on marketing and selling, and a private real estate investor. I've obtained a BA in Economics from USC and an MBA from Yale University. When not exceeding client expectations, I can be found with Allen, my husband for 18+ years - hiking, playing golf, listening to live music, adventuring out & about somewhere or playing with our furry family members.

Nickname Lauren Blankenship
Display name Lauren Blankenship

Speaker Info

Company Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage
Title Realtor
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number 310 775-5854(H)