Laura Walsh

Primary fields

First name Laura
Last name Walsh

I'm an account executive with Cerrell Associates, where I advise organizations, businesses and legislators on how to improve their media and community presence.

After being a camp counselor for three years, internships provided me with amazing opportunities -- from attending surf premieres to writing speeches at City Hall -- and I think they are a great way to allow students to actively participate in their community.

I graduated from USC and enjoy running, diving and all things ocean. My favorite place to be is any pier at sunset, and the coolest animal I ever met was a whitetip reef shark in Palau.

Nickname Laura Walsh
Display name Laura Walsh

Speaker Info

Company Cerrell Associates
Schools You Have Spoken At

Alliance Simon Technology Academy High School, Oscar De La Hoya Animo High School

Last Speaking Date 3/4/15
Title Account Executive
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number 702 521-8196(H)