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First name | Kiara |
Last name | Wiliams |
Bio | Kiara Imani Williams, Esq., is a graduate of the University of Virginia School of Law. She received her bachelor's degree from the University of Virginia in 2011 with a major in political science, specifically focusing on politics in the media. In the past, she has worked for the FCC, MTV Networks, Fox News Networks, Modern Viewpoint Magazine, Disney ABC Television Networks, and the Student Press Law Center. In addition to being an attorney, Kiara is a children's book author, blogger, and motivational speaker. She was named one of LinkedIn’s Top 10 Voices of 2015 in Media and Entertainment. In 2015, Kiara gave a TedxTalk entitled, The Co-Existence of Feminism and Femininity." She also blogs for some of the most prominent news organizations in the nation | | |
Nickname | Kiara Wiliams |
Display name | Kiara Wiliams |
Speaker Info
Company | FabFitFun |
Schools You Have Spoken At | Alliance For Community Empowerment |
Last Speaking Date | 5/14/18 |
Title | Business and Legal Affairs Counsel |
LinkedIn Profile | 992_hexl854as9.jpg |
Mobile Phone Number | 703 963-7471(H) |