Kavi Fulena

Primary fields

First name Kavi
Last name Fulena

As a child of diplomats my upbringing was global despite calling home the idyllic tropical island paradise of Mauritius. I’ve lived in North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. I graduated from Penn State with honors and obtained a Bachelor of Science in Finance. Prior to joining Merrill Lynch and The Gilbert Group I leveraged my international upbringing and spent five years in the Superyacht industry. I’ve navigated 30ft seas, icebergs, pirates and have held positions as both an Officer and Captain. I speak four languages and my hobbies include Surfing, Sailing, and exploring the most remote corners of the planet.

Email kavi.fulena@ml.com
Nickname Kavi Fulena
Display name Kavi Fulena

Speaker Info

Company Merrill Lynch
Schools You Have Spoken At

Animo Venice High School, Valor Academy High School

Last Speaking Date 8/26/18
Title Financial Advisor
LinkedIn Profile http://linkedin.com/in/kavi-fulena
Mobile Phone Number 561 843-9729(H)