Kat Napolitano

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Role models are very important for motivation, inspiration and goal-setting. Our society has made some progress by creating more realistic and diverse role models in the business world, in parenting, lifestyle and in the fashion and beauty industries. But there is one industry that has not responded to people’s desire for better role models – the fitness industry -- which still insists on showcasing ripped, toned, lean uber trainers doing difficult workouts who tell us, “You can do it too!”

In answer to the lack of workouts for real people, Kat of KatnapFitness.com has released WORK IT! – a DVD with 3 workouts that offer a solid workout program that works for all ages and sizes without the guilt or punishment. This is a special compilation of three of Kat’s favorite workouts from her program. Each of the 30-minute workouts offer variations and levels so that participants can tailor the workout to their own needs and goals. The DVD includes a dance workout, a toning and conditioning workout and a higher intensity workout. Plus, Kat has included a bonus Cardio workout. “I want us to get away from this one body image and one level of workout for everyone,” says Kat. “The idea that we need to look like a Barbie with muscles and that we all can and should do something like CrossFit or an extreme workout is not only ridiculous, but also dangerous.”

Known as the modifier in the “21 Day Fix” series and with over 22 years in dance and fitness behind her, Kat is educating and motivating people to know that your workout should encourage you, not intimidate you and that the “ideal” body is different for everyone. This role model aspect is particularly imperative considering that most of the population does not look like the trainers we see on TV Stat: More than two-thirds (68.8 percent) of adults are considered to be overweight or obese. More than one-third (35.7 percent) of adults are considered to be obese. https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/health-statistics/Pages/overweight-obesity-statistics.aspx
KatNap Fitness stays true to Kat’s philosophy – no matter what size you are, you need to move that body! It’s all about living a long, healthy enjoyable life with the people you love. Kat is not at her goal weight and though she has no desire to ever wear a bikini again, she does plan to exercise regularly and be a role model for her 14-year old daughter.

By Kat offering a different body type to follow than most of the trainers is often the only incentive people need to get exercising. Most importantly, Kat’s workouts show what other “Hollywood” versions of workouts don’t – Kat sweats, struggles and often comments on how parts of the workout can be difficult for her as well. Her realness makes her very relatable to the 68 percent. “What most people don’t know is that they normally do a ton of breaks and wardrobe changes to shoot one workout,” says Kat. “So that’s why you never see a trainer sweating or messing up a step in the workout. I only take 2 short breaks, and no wardrobe changes. If I mess up, I keep going. Why? Because I want real people to know what a real workout looks like.”

Email kat@katnapfitness.com
Nickname Kat Napolitano
Display name Kat Napolitano

Speaker Info

Company KatNap Fitness
Schools You Have Spoken At

Hilda L. Solis Learning Academy

Last Speaking Date 12/7/17
Title CEO
Mobile Phone Number 818 679-4425(H)
Presentation https://youthbizalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/1588_katnapfitnessbrandpresentation.pdf