Karyn Boutarasy

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First name Karyn
Last name Boutarasy

Support entrepreneurs in honing in their speaking skills by helping them step up into their most powerful and confident mindset as a speaker, stand out in the sea of competition to position themselves as experts in their industry, speak up in the most influential language to convey their message to impact their audience and get paid they money they deserve while sharing their message and doing what they love.

I'm a Certified Master Neuro Linguistic Programming Coach and Practitioner as well as Speaker, Business and Success Coaches. Clients routinely report that they live enriching lives personally and professionally from the coaching.

I run a 2-day live event called Speaker Revolution, http://speakerrevolution.com/, for speakers, authors, coaches, practitioners and entrepreneurs from various industries. The training focuses on the art of speaking to influence, helping the attendees get through nervousness and anxiety as well as the fundamentals of speaking on stage.

Email karyn@successacademyusa.com
Nickname Karyn Boutarasy
Display name Karyn Boutarasy

Speaker Info

Company Success Academy for Entrepreneurs
Schools You Have Spoken At

Alliance Patti & Peter Neuwirth Leadership Academy, Alliance Susan & Eric Smidt Tech High School

Last Speaking Date 8/12/15
Title Speaker Coach
LinkedIn Profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/karynboutarasy
Mobile Phone Number 909 200-5285(H)
Presentation https://youthbizalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/682_karynboutarasy.pptx