Joann Maciejewski

Primary fields

First name Joann
Last name Maciejewski

I currently own my own executive search firm after working in a global consulting firm for many years. I was a National Merit Scholar at UCLA, but didn't know much about business prior to graduating.

I grew up in Gardena, a little town in south Los Angeles. My dad was an airline mechanic and my mother was a homemaker who had grown up in an internment camp for Japanese-Americans. I was the first in my nuclear family to graduate from college. I have gone on to work in a business where I deal with top level executives from world class companies. This required a lot of on the job observation to adjust to a different world, and I look forward to sharing some of the lessons learned.

Nickname Joann Maciejewski
Display name Joann Maciejewski

Speaker Info

Company Olive Avenue Search Partners
Title Partner
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number 818 403-9428(H)