Joakim Olsson

Primary fields

First name Joakim
Last name Olsson

I'm a Creative Director and Partner of Stockholm Design. Stockholm Design is an award-winning, Los Angeles-based, Entertainment Advertising Agency. Our innovative 360 campaigns come fully loaded with complete integration of print, audiovisual, digital and social. We work with clients such as HBO, Netflix, Hulu, Fox, Starz, Lionsgate, TNT, Cinemax, to name a few. We also have a strong presence overseas and work with clients in Sweden, the UK and Germany. We're in the process of opening a second office in Stockholm and starting a separate production company in Sweden which will serve non-entertainment clients.

We also invest in start ups and support our companies with marketing and design services.

I was born in a small town in the north of Sweden and came to the US as a 19 year old.
I live with my two children and wife in Sherman Oaks.

Nickname Joakim Olsson
Display name Joakim Olsson

Speaker Info

Company Stockholm Design
Schools You Have Spoken At

USC Hybrid High

Last Speaking Date 3/28/19
Title Creative Director / Partner
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number (310) 746-6366