James Birkey

Primary fields

First name James
Last name Birkey

As both an architect and an economist, I see the creation of places--rather than spaces--as an incredible opportunity to create platforms for enriched lives. We spend upwards of 98% of our lives inside buildings--the buildings and environments we create can have profound impacts on social progress, health, productivity, and happiness. I've committed my professional career to making that happen.

I helped to build a health design services firm in the global south: massdesigngroup.org
Today, I work for a economic and strategic advisory firm for higher education (and the environments that they use/expand upon/build) to promote the success of our institutions and our next generations: programmanagers.com

Email jcbirkey@post.harvard.edu
Nickname James Birkey
Display name James Birkey

Speaker Info

Company Brailsford & Dunlavey
Title Project Manager
LinkedIn Profile http://www.linkedin.com/pub/james-cody-birkey/6/a4/98/
Mobile Phone Number 541 206-9836(H)