Jason Booth

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First name Jason
Last name Booth

Jason lead’s the TaxStudio team and has over 14 years specializing in international tax planning consulting both U.S. companies with operations overseas as well as non-U.S. companies with various inbound issues.  Although our focus at TaxStudio is servicing clients in the start-up ecosystem, Jason also has extensive experience across a variety of industries including entertainment, manufacturing, distribution, real estate and high net worth individuals.
He first started his career in San Francisco before taking back-to-back overseas assignments first in Sydney, Australia and then in Munich, Germany. While overseas, Jason represented a Big Four accounting firm managing its U.S. Tax Desk and focused on U.S. international tax planning and transactional work (M&A and tax due diligence).
Since repatriating to Los Angeles, Jason continues to consult on both U.S. inbound and outbound tax planning and advises clients on an array of U.S. federal and international issues, including finance structuring, tax structuring, intellectual property planning, repatriation and foreign tax credit strategies, tax deferral strategies, cross-border M&A structuring and general tax compliance issues.
Jason received a Bachelor of Arts and master’s in Taxation from the University of Washington. He also is a tax lecturer for the University of North Carolina’s Master of Accounting program. Jason has his CPA from the state of California and is a current member of the AICPA.

Email jason@taxstudio.com
Nickname Jason Booth
Display name Jason Booth

Speaker Info

Company TaxStudio
Title CEO
LinkedIn Profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/jason-m-booth-78359a2/
Mobile Phone Number 206 920-6781(H)