Jane Tierney

Primary fields

First name Jane
Last name Tierney

I am founder and CEO of Purple Link (formerly Supply Chain Innovations, Inc.) focused on helping clients discover “there’s a better way” to achieve greater results in their supply chains through collaboration: improve employee skill sets, build solid supplier relationships, reduce supply chain risk, improve supplier performance and meet / exceed overall business goals.

I'm a farm girl from Missouri who got a degree in Engineering, and thought I'd be doing that my whole career. I left Missouri for California, eventually fell into a job in Procurement (it took me a year to say I worked in Procurement, and wasn't an engineer), got an MBA after swearing I'd never take another final as an undergraduate, spent years in corporate America and finally said enough" and started my own consulting practice. Along the way I worked for several Fortune 50 companies

Email jane@purple-link.net
Nickname Jane Tierney
Display name Jane Tierney

Speaker Info

Company purple link
Title President / CEO
Mobile Phone Number 719 339-1490(H)