Jacki Ueng

Primary fields

First name Jacki
Last name Ueng

My parents immigrated to the US around 1980, and I was born in LA. I was raised in Hacienda Heights (San Gabriel Valley) and attended UC Riverside with a major in Cultural Anthropology, minor in Philosophy. Truth be told, I did not know what I wanted to do after graduation as the hobbies I had did not seem to be money-making careers. When I graduated college, all I wanted to do was Travel the World after reading books like Leaving Microsoft to Change the World" & "Eat Pray Love". I was willing to work any job to achieve this dream of traveling.

Email jackiueng@hotmail.com
Nickname Jacki Ueng
Display name Jacki Ueng

Speaker Info

Company Ticor Title
Schools You Have Spoken At

Alliance Judy Ivie Burton Technology Academy High

Last Speaking Date 10/5/16
Title VP Business Development
Mobile Phone Number 310 993-0123(H)