Irvin Magaña

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First name Irvin
Last name Magaña

My name is Irvin A. Magaña. I grew up in Echo Park, CA. I am a Father, Husband, Community Leader, Speaker, Trainer and Coach.

I encountered a Teacher in middle school that I didn’t know was going to make an impact in my life. One day, after I disrespected him, he made me stay after class, in what I thought was going to be another long lecture from a Teacher. Instead, he asked me what high school I was planning on attending, what I wanted to be when I got out of high school and if I thought about my future. I did have some things in mind in which I shared. I also shared that I was going to a specific high school to play football. He mentioned to me if I played football, to let him know because he wanted to see my games.

Shocked?! Yes! I was. But we spoke and had a long conversation. Years later, I realized that it only takes a small amount of effort to try and engage with a child. I spent the last 10 years in a school setting either; coaching, training or leading a group of kids.

Before meeting this teacher, going to school wasn’t the best for me. In fact, I despised going. I was disruptive, bad mouth, didn’t care about my grades or anything. Unfortunately, this caused my teachers to react a certain way with me. The same way I treated them, they treated me.

Without a care for my education, I was known as the “disruptive one” in all my classes. Teachers highlighted this and intentionally placed me as the center of what NOT to be. I used this as an excuse to not attend class and do my own thing.

Little did I know, this attitude was going to haunt me and ruin my educational career. I placed a lot of the blame on my teachers for not knowing how to deal with me and my behaviors. It was hard for me to see that the teachers I had, wanted to help me. None of them took the time to check in with me, none of them took the time to reach out and see if everything was ok at home. All but that one teacher in middle school that I mentioned to you earlier. I’ll never forget him! He was a Science Teacher.

Today, as I reflect back on my educational experiences, my mission is clear. I want to work with Educators and help them find a greater purpose in what they do and who they serve by focusing on their development of influence. If I am able to help Educators go deeper than just teaching, together, we can impact and influence a positive change in our communities.

This is why I am now a Motivational Speaker, Leadership Coach and Trainer. I want to give students another opportunity for success by motivating and training their Educators in schools, nonprofits and any before or after school program setting.

I live by 4 core values; •Faith•Family•Integrity •Development (myself and others)

Recent presentations include Engaging Children and Building Connections.

Purpose: to help others become a better version of themselves.

Nickname Irvin Magaña
Display name Irvin Magaña

Speaker Info

Company ReachLeadership
Schools You Have Spoken At

Hilda L. Solis Learning Academy
Maywood Academy High School
Burton Tech High School

If Other What Industry Organization & Leadership Development
Industry Business and Entrepreneurship, Student, Other
Last Speaking Date 08/25/2019
Title Owner
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number 2132419552
Activity YES