Inga Grimmett

Primary fields

First name Inga
Last name Grimmett

Production Coordinator and Studio Manager. Public Information Officer. Entrepreneur and Motivational Speaker for young adults.

Graduated from California State University, Los Angeles with degree in Television and Film Production. Also studied Set and Exhibit/Gallery Design at The Art Institute of California.

I have been extremely blessed to work consistently in both the field of my study (Film and Television Production) as well as my passion (Visual Merchandising and Advertising for Apparel and Accessories Design) since graduating from high school and college. I was fortunate to work with major television networks as well as have owned and operated my own production company, upon completion of internships and grant work right out of college.

Have been extremely blessed to currently mentor graduating college students from alma mater, CSULA.

- Based in Los Angeles Area and New York

Nickname Inga Grimmett
Display name Inga Grimmett

Speaker Info

Company The Imperial Group/Grimmett and Co.
Title Production Manager and Studio Manager
Mobile Phone Number 310 905-7045(H)