Hector Padilla

Primary fields

First name Hector
Last name Padilla

Mr. Hector Padilla, President and CEO of HP Capital Investments.
Mr. Padilla has been a principal investor in commercial property, luxury homes, motels, apartment buildings and commercial land. As a principal, Mr. Padilla has closed on over $96,000,000 worth of real estate and as a Broker has closed over 1,000 transactions. Mr. Padilla has strong credentials (i.e. Licensed Real Estate Broker, Accredited Investors, Proven Syndicator, Professional Speaker, Real Estate Columnist, and Degree in Business Administration). Mr. Padilla carefully monitors economic trends in the local markets.

Email hpprojectweb@gmail.com
Website http://mychairman.net
Nickname Hector Padilla
Display name Hector Padilla

Speaker Info

Company HP Capital Investments
Schools You Have Spoken At

Manual Arts High School

Last Speaking Date 1/4/18
LinkedIn Profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/padillainvestments/
Mobile Phone Number 310 279-6859(H)