Gerri Knilans

Primary fields

First name Gerri
Last name Knilans

I am a serial entrepreneur. I bought my first business (preschool and kindergarten) before I was 30. Since then I have been a partner in a marketing consulting firm and for the last 21 years have been the president of Trade Press Services. I grew up in the San Fernando Valley and went to college at U.C.S.C. I am been active in professional trade associations in the past and spent six years as a volunteer board member for Tri-counties Regional Center (an agency that serves the developmentally disabled and their families). I am avid travel, compulsive learner, exercise nut, creative cook and addicted duplicate bridge player. Besides my family, my greatest enjoyment is being of service to others.

Nickname Gerri Knilans
Display name Gerri Knilans

Speaker Info

Company Trade Press Services
Schools You Have Spoken At

Alliance For Community Empowerment, Animo South Los Angeles High School, Animo Venice High School, Valor Academy High School

Last Speaking Date 9/28/16
Title President
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number 805 660-2113(H)