Frank Chen

Primary fields

First name Frank
Last name Chen

Frank Chen is President of Pioneer Industries Inc., a leading manufacturer of kitchen and bath fixtures. Pioneer has produced solid and sustainable growth over the last decade by providing innovative high-quality products, while consistently offering exceptional service and delivery. For over 25 years, engineers, architects, contractors, and homeowners have relied on Pioneer’s dependable products to guarantee the health and safety of their projects and families.

In addition to leading Pioneer, Frank manages a portfolio of commercial retail and multifamily real estate, as well as various investment ventures, which has taken him all throughout China, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. Lastly, he is actively working to continue his family’s involvement with philanthropy. He organized and manages a partnership with the UCLA Department of Neurology at the David Geffen School of Medicine – establishing labs and clinics dedicated to Movement Disorders, in particular, Parkinson’s Disease. A highlight in his career, Frank continues to nurture this effort through annual symposiums at UCLA focused on fostering community outreach and education. As one of the more fulfilling ventures experienced, Frank continues to push further and is currently looking at other philanthropic interests to participate in.

Frank received his Bachelor’s Degree from UCLA. He currently resides in Silverlake, CA with his wife Miki, and their three children.

Nickname Frank Chen
Display name Frank Chen

Speaker Info

Company Pioneer Industries, Inc.
Title President
Mobile Phone Number 323 614-5462(H)