Emily Taylor

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First name Emily
Last name Taylor

Emily joined UCLA Anderson as the Associate Director, MBA Career Education & Communications in 2011. She teaches the career management course to all MBAs utilizing a flipped classroom methodology to heighten practicum. In addition, Emily is a career advisor, particularly with students interested in startups and social impact, and oversees communication.
Previously, she was the Vice President of Talent at Revolution Prep, the largest classroom based SAT test prep provider in the country. As VP, she oversaw Human Resources, Recruiting, Training & Development, Internal Communications and Company Culture. Previously, as the National Director of Training & Instruction, she served as the product manager for the core product and ran the Entrepreneurial Management Program.
As a member of the UCLA Anderson Class of 2008, Emily was the Lead Fellow for Management Development for Entrepreneurship, the MBA Orientation Director, and a strategic consultant for the Johnson & Johnson Management Fellows Program. Before business school, Emily was an Assistant Professor of Sociology, and the founder of Taylor Academic Consulting, which provided college counseling, test prep, and subject tutoring to more than 500 students in the Sacramento area.
Emily was awarded a BA in Psychology and an MA in Sociology from Stanford University and an MBA from UCLA Anderson

Email emilymalleytaylor@gmail.com
Nickname Emily Taylor
Display name Emily Taylor

Speaker Info

Company UCLA Anderson
Schools You Have Spoken At

Alliance William & Carol Ouchi High School

Last Speaking Date 6/9/14
Title Associate Director, MBA Career Education & Communi
LinkedIn Profile http://www.linkedin.com/in/emilymalleytaylor
Mobile Phone Number 310 701-8747(H)
Presentation https://youthbizalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/86_ouchipresentation.pptx