Eleonore Rojas

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First name Eleonore
Last name Rojas

Note about the PP: I will build a custom deck for this presentation after I have a good understanding what content will be most relevant for the audience. I have a lot of presentation materials to choose from

Eleonore Rojas is VP, NAR Partnerships & International Relations at Move, Inc., the operator of realtor.com®. For the past 15 years, Eleonore has led product development activities in Move’s new-home, residential and professional software real estate divisions, and has developed and launched revenue-generating product lines as well as consumer life cycle engagement programs for realtor.com®.

Eleonore is among the world’s foremost experts on global real estate, with deep expertise and relationships among real estate organizations in diverse markets around the world. She developed realtor.com’s first international website five years ago, and drives growth and adoption to facilitate intra-country real estate transactions for U.S. practitioners and the company’s international partners. In 2016, she helped drive the expansion of realtor.com/international as a founding member of News Corp’s global property network, the world’s largest collective of international property information. Eleonore grew up in Germany, has lived in Europe and Mexico and now resides in Los Angeles. She is fluent in German, English and Spanish.

Email eleonore@pacbell.net
Nickname Eleonore Rojas
Display name Eleonore Rojas

Speaker Info

Company Move,Inc
Schools You Have Spoken At

David Starr Jordan High School

Last Speaking Date 4/12/18
Title VP, NAR Partnerships & International Relations
LinkedIn Profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/eleonore-rojas-555282/
Mobile Phone Number 818 261-8339(H)