Ebitari Larsen

Primary fields

First name Ebitari
Last name Larsen

Ebitari Larsen founded DDS in 2009 with the goal, through critical thinking, technology, analysis and research, to assist companies with their most challenging problems. Coming from a management consulting background she has successfully worked with numerous federal government agencies. She is an award winning researcher and teacher. Ms. Larsen has assisted prominent establishments to see tangible achievements towards their goals including Rutgers University, Department of Energy (DOE) (National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA)), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Comcast Programming Group and numerous small/medium sized enterprises and non-profits.

Email elarsen@dds-llc.com
Nickname Ebitari Larsen
Display name Ebitari Larsen

Speaker Info

Company Delta Data Services
Title President
LinkedIn Profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/ebilarsen/
Mobile Phone Number 562 243-6552(H)