Scott Steindorff

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First name Scott
Last name Steindorff

Scott is a veteran film and TV writer/producer who has adapted tons of books for the big screen and currently has a few books in pre-production for adaptations. Scott recently completed a groundbreaking ten episode series for NETFLIX titled FIRE CHASERS, which will give audiences an unprecedented look deep inside California wildfires. Scott also recently produced JANE GOT A GUN, starring Natalie Portman, THE LINCOLN LAWYER, LOVE IN THE TIME OF CHOLERA, CHEF, starring Jon Favreau, the Golden Globe winning EMPIRE FALLS and top-rated TV show LAS VEGAS, which went on to become an international hit throughout its 5 season run. Scott is planning on producing a TV series in the CARIBBEAN and is also producing the adaptation of the best-selling novel STATION ELEVEN, as well as Vladimir Nabokov's LAUGHTER IN THE DARK. Aside from this, Scott has been in recovery for over 30 years and been helping people in Hollywood ever since. During this time he’s learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t work in addiction and recovery. He’s now put together a team of the top scientists, doctors and therapists in the field of addiction and recovery to transform the programs that have been used for decades in order to produce new and better results to help people.

Nickname Scott Steindorff
Display name Scott Steindorff

Speaker Info

Company Stone Village Productions
Schools You Have Spoken At

Animo Jackie Robinson High School

Last Speaking Date 6/7/17
Title President
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number 310 863-6432(H)