Jonathan Dawson,

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First name Jonathan
Last name Dawson,

From a young age, Dr. Dawson grew up knowing he wanted to become a doctor. His personal triumph over cancer at the age of 16 months old gave him a profound respect and confidence in the body’s ability to heal and regenerate.
Dr. Dawson went on to complete his Bachelors of Science in Bio-Medical Science with a minor in Public Health and Bio-Medical Physics from the University of South Florida. After receiving his bachelor’s degree, he earned a Doctor of Chiropractic and a Master of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine degree from Southern California University of Health Sciences.
Dr. Dawson has a passion to see the kids and families in his community get well and stay well! He believes that wellness is lifestyle health which does not come by chance, but by choice! The sum of your lifestyle choices will dictate the state of your health, so Dr. Dawson teaches his patients to choose well, live well, and be well!

Nickname Jonathan Dawson,
Display name Jonathan Dawson,

Speaker Info

Company Life Choice Wellness Center
Schools You Have Spoken At

Animo Pat Brown High School

Last Speaking Date 6/4/14
Title Owner/Doctor of Chiropractic
Mobile Phone Number 949 973-2576(H)