Doug Johnston

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First name Doug
Last name Johnston

62 years old, living in Santa Monica, one daughter. Have co-founded and/or managed 5 successful companies in 5 different industries including private equity (Platinum Equity, LLC in Bev Hills) , commercial banking (Bank of San Antonio), commercial real estate (SCI Real Estate Investments), and manufacturing (Nook Sleep Systems). Former President of Century City Rotary Club. Love to teach, hope I can help. Thank you, Doug Johnston 310-699-3467

Nickname Doug Johnston
Display name Doug Johnston

Speaker Info

Company Five Management, LLC
Schools You Have Spoken At

Alliance Collins Family High School, Alliance For Community Empowerment, Alliance Judy Ivie Burton Technology Academy High, Alliance Margaret M. Bloomfield High School, Alliance Patti & Peter Neuwirth Leadership Academy, Alliance Simon Technology Academy High School, Alliance Susan & Eric Smidt Tech High School, Alliance Tennenbaum Family Technology High School, Alliance William & Carol Ouchi High School, Animo Inglewood High School, Animo Jackie Robinson High School, Animo Leadership High SchoolAnimo Pat Brown High School, Animo South Los Angeles High School, Animo Venice High School, David Starr Jordan High School, Downtown Magnets High School, Felicitas & Gonzalo Mendez High School, Hilda L. Solis Learning Academy, Manual Arts High School, Oscar De La Hoya Animo High School, Rise Kohyang High School, Santee High School, Steam Legacy High School, Valor Academy High School, YouthBuild San Fernando

Last Speaking Date 2/8/19
Title Founder & CEO
Mobile Phone Number 310 699-3467(H)