Denise Batton

Primary fields

First name Denise
Last name Batton

I have a doctorate in Clinical Psychology. I have 15 years of experience as a Program Coordinator, Program Director and Adjunct Faculty for prominent universities, Virginia Commonwealth Univ., Purdue Univ., and Loyola Marymount Univ.. As a therapist I have worked for Cambria County Mental Health, Florida Dept. of Corrections, Calif. Dept. of Corrections, Veterans Administration and currently Salvation Army - Haven Programs - Los Angeles Veterans Administration. My major career goals are to improve the lives of others through education and clinical intervention. My hobbies are cycling, listen to music and volunteering for charitable organizations.

Nickname Denise Batton
Display name Denise Batton

Speaker Info

Company Salvation Army - Los Angeles Veterans Administration
Title Clinical Director
Mobile Phone Number 310 343-8090(H)