Hazel Palache

Primary fields

First name Hazel
Last name Palache

I have been in the field of professional, personal and spiritual development for over 20 years. I'm hold certifications as a results coach, master clinical hypnotherapist, NLP practitioner , chemical addiction counselor and stress management counselor.
Additionally, I'm a speaker and author. I teach entrepreneurs (usually 40+) how to increase their confidence, change the way they think so they overcome fears, doubts and overwhelm so they live their lives infused with being of service, more joy and financial freedom. Wealth is not just about money, it's about good health, living a grateful joyful life and financial freedom.

Personally, I have 2 adult children and 6 grandchildren.

Email deleted_1442263679_hazel@yourstairwaytowealth.com
Nickname Hazel Palache
Display name Hazel Palache

Speaker Info

Company Your Stairway to Wealth
Title CEO
LinkedIn Profile http://linkedin.com/HazelPalache
Mobile Phone Number 818 981-9885(H)