David Sun

Primary fields

First name David
Last name Sun

I founded my own company Sun Computers, Inc. at the age of 23 years old. My company received much recognition including many awards throughout the years from TRW, Hughes Aircraft, Rockwell International, Teledyne, Apple Computer Inc, Hewlett-Packard, many others. We were also the recipient of “National Minority Retail Firm of the Year” award from U.S. Department of Commerce in 1987 and were recognized at the Rose Garden of the White House by President Ronald Reagan.
Personally, I have been recognized as “Entrepreneur of the Year Award 1988” from Arthur Young and Venture Magazine. I also received the “Hi-Tech Industry Good Scout Award 1991” from the Los Angeles Area Council of Boys Scout of America. I was one the original founder of “YPO (Young President’s Organization)-South Bay now Santa Monica Bay Chapter” in 1986. Currently I am still an executive member of WPO (World President’s Organization) Santa Monica Bay Chapter. I have served on Apple Computer Dealer Advisory Board, UCLA Economic Advisory Board, Long Beach Memorial Hospital Foundation Broad and many other advisory board and committees during my forty years of Southern California residency. I am also the board member and president of the Shady Canyon Community Association (HOA) for the last 5 and half years in Irvine, California.

Email david.sun.t@gmail.com
Nickname David Sun
Display name David Sun

Speaker Info

Company Sun and Moon, Inc.
Schools You Have Spoken At

Alliance Collins Family High School

Last Speaking Date 10/5/16
Title Managing Director
Mobile Phone Number 949 281-6996(H)
Presentation https://youthbizalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/1055_davidtsunpresentationnotes.pdf