david bagga

Primary fields

First name david
Last name bagga

Currently ranked #1 (see linked-in rankings) for executive sales recruiters throughout the U.S and the founder of the Athletes 4 Business Podcast. My main areas of focus are entry level medical device opportunities and software sales positions throughout the U.S.

If you are a candidate or client please send resumes/contact me directly at david.bagga@seerion.com or davidbagga@gmail.com or call 9497357704, my ultimate goal is to build your sales team and help you find the job you want, not the job you need, so you can have a successful sales career and enjoy what you sell.

About Me -

I am a Hunter, Connector and Closer. I am Always out-working competition and exceeding quotas/goals that are set for me. My biggest strength is my ability to talk to anyone I meet, and connect people everyday. I Was a 4 year college basketball player at the University of Arizona from 2005-09, and helped lead our team to the NCAA Sweet16 against Louisville in 2009.

I Have also published 2 books - The Walk-On and The Bench Player that Could to help kids realize their dreams of playing collegiate athletics while pursuing a college degree, and using their sport as a launching pad to start their career. Both publications have been recognized on a national level from ESPN, Sports Illustrated, MSNBC, USA Today, Fox Sports, The Wall-Street Journal, LA Times, and The Orange County Register. I was also on a reality show appearing on multiple episodes of The Perfect Score"

Email david@seerion.com
Nickname david bagga
Display name david bagga

Speaker Info

Company Seerion Sales
Schools You Have Spoken At

Animo Jackie Robinson High School

Last Speaking Date 7/20/16
Title Executive Recruiter
LinkedIn Profile 949_ybapresentation_davidbagga_10_2016.pptx
Mobile Phone Number 949 735-7704(H)
Presentation https://youthbizalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/949_ybapresentation_davidbagga_10_2016.pptx