David Hosmer

Primary fields

First name David
Last name Hosmer

I wanted to be a lawyer since I was nine years old, but I played sports and didn't study much in High School. My teachers told me that I couldn't achieve my dreams. That all changes when I went to college.
Not only did I become a lawyer, I became a mediator. It's the best job in the world when you can bring people together and help them solve their fight. This job has also lead me around the world to Africa and China where I have meet many leaders who have similar goals for people in their country.

Email david@hosmermediation.com
Nickname David Hosmer
Display name David Hosmer

Speaker Info

Company Hosmer Mediation
Schools You Have Spoken At

Oscar De La Hoya Animo High School

Last Speaking Date 6/10/15
Title Mediator
LinkedIn Profile http://www.linkedin.com/in/davidehosmer
Mobile Phone Number 949 302-9305(H)