David Murray

Primary fields

First name David
Last name Murray

I founded Greenspire in October 2012 with the intention of building a trusted national brand adopted by millions of homes. In 2013, its first full year of operation, Greenspire became the largest residential energy efficiency originator in California within the Energy Upgrade California utility program. In 2014, Greenspire developed as a full-service solar company—providing financing, installation, and monitoring services. Greenspire currently serves homeowners in California, Arizona, Colorado, Texas, Florida, South Carolina, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts.

Email david@greenspire.com
Nickname David Murray
Display name David Murray

Speaker Info

Company Greenspire
Title Chief Executive Officer
LinkedIn Profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-murray-78902621/
Mobile Phone Number 480 326-3341(H)