Connie Sparks

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First name Connie
Last name Sparks

Connie Sparks formed Wade Institute in the year 1999 to specialize in business-building strategies for small to mid-sized businesses. She has consulted and assisted numerous clients across the country with raising capital and strategy development to sustain or grow their companies. Wade Institute is committed to providing timely, customized support to small business clients. She has presented workshops and seminars to educational institutions, associations and popular organizations throughout California.
Connie Sparks, is widely recognized as an award winning leading expert on business development and strategic planning. As an Author, Business Coach and National Trainer, she has trained thousands of executives, business owners, and professionals from various backgrounds on topics that range from starting a business, strategic planning, and financing a business, and running a successful business. With an interest in a more holistic approach to running a successful business, she strives to enable entrepreneurs and small business owners to identify, clarify and define their vision for success.
Her latest work, “The Entrepreneur’s Guide for Starting a Business” and “Where’s The Money: Big Dollars to Do Big Business Like the Big Boys” are an all inclusive journey of Sparks’ professional career and entrepreneurial experiences. They are ultimately about building on a dream of owning a business, taking professional and personal experiences and turning them into a vehicle to help others; and how to survive as a small business using corporate level planning.
Sparks’ knowledge on her subject is thorough and her expression is passionate. She’s made appearances on various syndicated radio and television programs, quoted in many articles, and have had several profile articles written about her success. Her interview style is captivating to both interviewer and audience and she never fails to share inside tips and helpful ideas from which her audience can gain immediate benefit. She relates well to entrepreneurs and business owners, as she too had to learn the ropes of starting a business, overcoming many hurdles along the way.
Her effort to reach the micro and small business community has not gone unnoticed. She has been recognized by higher education institutions, associations, and corporate America.

Sparks’ has been honored by the U.S. Small Business Administration (Business Champion Award), Toastmasters International (President’s Distinguished Award), The For You Network- National Association of Female Executives (NAFE) (Business Woman of the Year), (Best Corporate Environment Award 2006), and (Sphere of Influence Award), and the Los Angeles Business Journal (Women Who Make A Difference).  

Nickname Connie Sparks
Display name Connie Sparks

Speaker Info

Company Wade Co. Capital
Schools You Have Spoken At

Alliance For Community Empowerment, Animo South Los Angeles High School

Last Speaking Date 9/11/17
Title President
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number 661 212-7885(H)