Cate Rubenstein

Primary fields

First name Cate
Last name Rubenstein

World traveler, cultural relativist, former child/ adolescent psychologist in training.. firmly committed to doing something good, that matters, helping change the world for the better however I am able to contribute. Some successes, some failures - inspired equally by both and happy to share what I've learned. Former and probably future expat, perennially motivated to see new places, learn about society and people far from where I was born, how they experience and process life... and how ultimately we're all connected.
Surviving cancer as an adult and losing a parent when I was a child both challenged my perspective, and I know how it feels to need some encouragement sometimes. I'd like to help encourage.

Nickname Cate Rubenstein
Display name Cate Rubenstein

Speaker Info

Company Ipsos
Title EVP, Global
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number 310 990-2469(H)