Jean-Marc Dedeyne

Primary fields

First name Jean-Marc
Last name Dedeyne

My name is Jean-Marc Dedeyne. I am based in Los Angeles and hail from the beautiful French Island of Martinique.

My raison d’être is to inspire and lead those who are transitioning towards a more meaningful life to realize their God-given talents.

As a Speaker, Coach and Author, I work with Expat Executives and Entrepreneurs through various stages of transition in a supportive environment to:

- Clarify their values, interests and passions;
- Uncover their unique promise of value;
- Confidently communicate their personal brands to those who matter; and
- Align their brand environment with authenticity to achieve success on their own terms.

My reason for being combines faith, entrepreneurship, personal branding and relationships beyond borders to facilitate my client’s growth in a compassionate yet focused manner.

Nickname Jean-Marc Dedeyne
Display name Jean-Marc Dedeyne

Speaker Info

Company Jean-Marc Dedeyne Enterprises
Title Coach - Speaker - Author
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number 310 818-6816(H)