Carmina Becerra

Primary fields

First name Carmina
Last name Becerra

I am committed to improving people's lives and that is what l focus on pretty much all day every day when I am not loving on my friends and family and writing. As a teenager I attempted suicide and thank GOD failed at the attempt so based on that I am very much wanting to share my story as I know the suicide rate is is incredibly high in this Country with the hope to inspire and empower change in the teens. I was on Spanish TV most of my life and was very much attracted to the glitz and glamour until 5 years ago I attended a Transformational Training at MITT (mastery in Transformational Training) that completely changed the trajectory of my life, pivoting to a relentless commitment to improving this world in as many ways as possible. Currently I am coaching actors, big investment bankers, moms, directors etc. And writing a book on LOVE

Nickname Carmina Becerra
Display name Carmina Becerra

Speaker Info

Title Transformational Trainer and Coach
Mobile Phone Number 626 422-9325(H)