Jeff Stibel

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First name Jeff
Last name Stibel

Jeffrey Stibel is Chairman and CEO of Dun & Bradstreet Credibility Corp. Stibel was previously President and CEO of, Inc. (NASDAQ: WWWW) and General Manager of United Online, Inc. (NASDAQ: UNTD). Prior to United Online, Stibel was founder and CEO of, now part of ValueClick, Inc. (NASDAQ: VCLK). Stibel currently sits on the boards of numerous private and public companies including The Search Agency, EdgeCast Networks, BrainGate and Autobytel (NASDAQ: ABTL), as well as academic boards for Tufts University and Brown University. Stibel is the author of numerous academic and business articles, including the book Wired for Thought (Harvard Business Press: 2009) and is the named inventor on the U.S. patent for search engine interfaces. He was the recipient of the Brain and Behavior Fellowship while studying for his PhD at Brown University.

Nickname Jeff Stibel
Display name Jeff Stibel

Speaker Info

Company Dun & Bradstreet Credibility Corp.
Title Chairman & CEO
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number 310 919-2202(H)